"We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope."
-Abraham Lincoln-


The Dominion War has cast a long and dark shadow. It has been twelve years since the unconditional surrender of the Dominion, with some failing to escape the darkness. In 2386 it was discovered that the binary stars of the Glintara system will go supernova in thirty years. Instead, in just over a year, the stars prematurely went nova taking the most populated Romulan planets with them. The Romulan Empire has been destroyed. Billions died almost instantly, with many millions of Romulans fleeing into Federation space as refugees, all that is left of the once proud Empire.

In the wake of the Shinzon incident just years prior, there is tension as the Federation scrambles to handle issues of overcrowding, resource allocation, racism, and dealing with shifting power dynamics amongst the galactic powers. As old allies fall silent, unwilling to provide aid with the crisis, fallen enemies are slowly rebuilding.

In 2387, an aging starship that was built for war, the USS Moore, must step up to help preserve the fragile peace, that its officers fought so hard for, and is now in danger of collapsing from within.

The USS Moore is a Prometheus class ship set in an alternate timeline, where instead of the Hobus star going supernova, the Glintara binary stars within the Romulan Empire do. This Sim sets out to explore the mature themes of racism, war, death, loyalty and one’s own principals. It openly challenges the utopian ideals of Star Trek in an effort to understand both our fellow man, ourselves and the darkness within.

All players are welcome, but this Sim is recommended for experienced players as this is a fast-paced, action-oriented character driven Sim that has a strong desire for collaboration on the story by all who join us.

This Sim is rated 16+ and is more in line with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in regards to themes, tone and style.

The USS Moore is a proud Theta Fleet sim. Serving in Task Force 51. Join us now!

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Latest Mission Posts

» Newest Arrivals

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Posted on Mon Jan 27th, 2025 @ 4:02am by Commander Steven Greco & Captain Stryvek & Lieutenant Strullinn

Commander Greco stepped off the turbolift and rounded the corridor towards the shuttlebay. He had a quicker step than usual as he moved to quickly catch up to the captain and greet their newest chief science officer. While he personally liked Harris, or at least found him entertaining, he was relieved to have a Vulcan on board as department head. He could tell that Harris was going to eventually be a handful and trouble for him like Stewart and Davaris.

Stepping into the shuttlebay, he nodded to the captain in greeting as he took his place beside him as they…

» Training with the Marines

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 10:37am by Gunnery Sergeant Matewa Natana & Lieutenant Dashku Zhevou & 1st Lieutenant Kes Th’relnal

Dashku had arranged to get Cargo bay 4 set aside for the marines, it was a quick turn around considering she was in charge of ships resources and the allocation of them. With her own approval to train beside them, and the training worked into her schedule, she knew it was time to join them. She didn’t want to put it off and keeping her skills as sharp as possible was important to her.

She’s opted to dress in a gold short sleeve shirt. A pair of tight black yoga pants and simple athletic shoes. She had her hair in…

» Retail Therapy Part 2

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2025 @ 9:00am by Lieutenant JG T'Mara


"I am...certain. Yes." Her eyes followed Rush's and she looked down at her blue under tunic and standard issue pants with a raised brow. Less clothes, more drinks, indeed? T'Mara did not know what to say to the last thing to come out of the Orion chief of security's mouth, so she chose to not comment on it at all. Rushgili was correct. It was warm...slowly, T'Mara reached up and unzipped the the collar and pulled off the offending top. The air on her bare skin was far superior than the scratchy fabric of the under tunic, anyway.


» Retail Therapy Part 1

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Posted on Thu Jan 23rd, 2025 @ 8:59am by Lieutenant Dashku Zhevou & Lieutenant JG T'Mara

T’Mara zipped up her dark colored field jacket and placed her commbadge above her left breast. It didn’t matter what clothing she had on, the golden delta was a magnet that proclaimed “Starfleet.” So here she was, preparing to go out amongst the 'natives.'

Upon hearing that the crew of the Moore were being allowed the ability to visit the Orion ship, she knew she wanted to explore. Was it safe, was it prudent? Absolutely not. However, it was an opportunity for exploration, even if only on a personal level, and possibly she might be able to find some items…

» Unspoken Realities

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 7:02am by Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart & Captain Stryvek

Evelyn knelt on the floor in her meditative stance that had become second nature out of years of strict discipline exercises as a child, her meditation lamp lit and sat between her and Stryvek as she listened to his words and tried to focus her mind their instructions.

"Structure, logic, function, control - a structure cannot stand without a foundation, logic is the foundation of function, function is the essence of control. You are in control - You are in control." Stryvek intoned in a steady unyielding voice. He attempted to get Evelyn to focus her mind and allow the…

Latest Personal Logs

» Time to Move On

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 12:59am by Lieutenant JG T'Mara

Starfleet Medical Center – San Fransisco, Earth - 2387

T’Mara arrived at the provider workroom off the 20 bed ICU where her locker and workstation were located. Her attending was already there for the morning shift and the human male strode over to her and gave one of his unnerving smiles and handed her a padd. She glanced down at it, thinking that it was nothing more than her patient assignment for the day, but considered it unusual that Commander Becker would wait around to hand deliver something so inconsequential. Normally it was tossed haphazardly on her desk.

“Well, are…

» Anger and Frustrations

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 8:31pm by

Open log
Personal Log of Lily Marlow

This is my first log entry being on the USS Moore. I should have started one a few days ago however, I am still processing as to my being back on a ship, and getting to know the crew. Right now though I am trying to process what happened on the planet, it brought back unpleasant memories. However what happened on the planet makes the loss of my friend pale in comparison. No-one can truly be prepared at the wanton destruction of life that took place. Koaruh had to bring me out of…